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Baron of Terre Haute, IN's Web Page

American Eskimo Dog

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Please Note: This animal is listed as a courtesy to another organization. Please be sure to contact the foster/caretaker for more information about him/her.

About Baron of Terre Haute, IN

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Current Age: 13 Years 2 Months (best estimate)
  • Housetrained: Yes

My wife and I helped out a friend to by taking in his Eskimo over a year ago, but his owner is now unable to take him back. Baron is around 2 1/2 years old. He gets along with dogs and cats, but he needs work on his 'manners'. He is a sweet dog, but he was ignored so much when he was younger that he feels he has to try all the time to get attention. This has led to him to antagonize all of our pets, along with my wife and I. However, if he has an opportunity, he will climb up on the couch or bed to snuggle with you. He is a cuddler and only wants attention.


Baron’s issues don’t seem to be any fault of his own, but more on the people who had been tasked with taking care of him. Baron's owner purchased him as a gift for his girlfriend. The girlfriend kept him crated for most of the day and didn't give him any interaction. The girlfriend then decided that she didn't want him any more and was going to give him away.  My wife and I stepped in to provide the owner a place to keep the dog while he found a new apartment.


When we first got him, he would jump up on you at any given time and grab your sleeves to play. Now, he doesn't jump as much, but still will every now and then. We're teaching him to sit first, but he still wants to stand up and get on your leg. He also will pick up sticks or toys in the yard to entertain himself when he gets excited. His response to 'off' for jumping up is much better too.He's much better about approaching, then sitting, before getting attention. We've also been working with a hidden treat game so he can stimulate his mind. Every now and then, he will get so over stimulated that he will grab at hands or arms as he runs by people.


Baron has been around his owner's nephews (ages 3 & 7) and showed no issues with them. He only wanted them to play hard, all the time.


Unfortunately, he's now taken to harassing our old man dog, by picking fights and pulling on his tail. He has started counter surfing and antagonizing our cats too. We're feed him separated from the other dogs because he will ignore his food and go after the other bowls first. He has learned to sit when his bowl is placed, then wait for the ‘ok’ before eating.


We are offering transport to wherever he is needed. Our shelter sends weekly transport to the Chicago area, plus we can drive him if he is needed to go in a different direction.


Our end desire is to get him to people who understand the Eskies best and can help him be the best dog he can.
contact Fred at

More about Baron of Terre Haute, IN

Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids

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Baron of  Terre Haute, IN Baron of  Terre Haute, IN Baron of  Terre Haute, IN