American Eskimo Dog : : Male (neutered) : : Senior : : Medium
Learn more about the American Eskimo Dog.
If you are not able to adopt me, perhaps you would consider sponsoring me instead. If you would like to help Eskie Rescuers United defray the cost of my medical expenses, please click on the "DONATE" button at the bottom of this page and type my name in the "PAYMENT FOR" box. Thank you so very much. All my Eskie hugs and kisses to you! Hi, my name is Happy Pappy! I'm a 18-year YOUNG standard-sized American Eskimo male. In my past life, I was an outside dog that my family just forgot about. Can you believe that?! So, I blew that popsicle stand and decided to find a new life, perhaps join a mystery-sleuthing gang like that Scooby Doo guy did. Well, that didn't pan out, so I ended up homeless and wandering the streets. When someone finally found me, I was so weak I could hardly stand up. I was wasting away to mere skin and bones. I was given a second chance in life. A nice lady took me to a vet where I was poked and prodded, and I got all the medical attention I needed. I was already neutered, and thankfully, I tested heartworm negative. I received all my vaccinations and some antibiotics, and I even got a much needed doggy dental. After what now seems like a dream, I got transported halfway across the country, from North Carolina to Illinois, where I'm really living the good life. I had probably never been inside a real house before, so I had to learn what "go potty outside" means. Smart guy that I am, it was a very easy thing to learn, and I've made my foster mommy so proud of me! My coat was in pretty bad shape when I arrived here, but I went to the groomers to get all "beautified." I also rediscovered food. Mmmmmmm...food! (My idol is Homer Simpson. HeHe!) Since coming to my foster home, I've definitely found a new purpose in life, and that's to make sure I eat all the dog food (and people food) I can before it goes bad. You see, since I wasted away to almost nothing (down to 18 pounds), I needed to make up for lost time. I've gained back a lot of weight, and now I'm at 30 pounds! Obviously the food here is QUITE good! HeeHee! I've become strong enough to walk up and down the stairs without too many problems. Walk, prance, trot, run...you name it, I can probably do it. Though I'm not quite up to jumping up on the couch yet, give me time and I'll probably be able to accomplish that too! My foster mommy is considering changing my name from "Pappy" to "Peppy" because I've gone through such a rejuvenation since I first got here. :o) I have some hearing and vision problems, but hey...if you were in your 90s, you would too! And it doesn't stop me from thoroughly enjoying my new-found life! (Of course, my foster mommy suspects that some of my hearing loss is really "selective hearing." HaHa!) I'm still hoping to be claimed by my very own forever family, but I understand why that probably won't happen. It's hard to open your home to a fella in his golden years. But would you consider sponsoring a sweet old guy like me? My vet bills are going to put a real dent in the budget, and I'll need heartworm, flea and tick prevention medication, as well as my annual shots. Both my foster mommy and I would certainly appreciate whatever you're able to contribute to my care. Thank you! Well, I'm a bit tired now, so it's time to go claim a spot near the fireplace. Shhh, I hear my foster mommy coming. Please don't tell her I was using her computer. ;o) If you decide you're interested in me and would like more information, If you're interested in me and would like more information, please contact Deborah: deborah@eskierescuers.org. You can also visit our website and sign-up to fill out an adoption application and learn more about our adoption process. I am eligible to be adopted for a lower fee through Eskie Rescuers United's "New Leash on Life" Senior program. I would certainly make a great companion for an older person! I'm currently in Illinois, and to get me to you, we can do what's called an "Eskie Railroad," which is a group of volunteer drivers who will each drive a certain portion of the transport. (We always ask that you, as the adopter, help out by taking the final leg.) There is an adoption fee required, and please be aware that Eskie Rescuers United will not adopt out its dogs as outdoor dogs. Thank you and WOOF! HAPPY PAPPY More about Happy PappyGood with Dogs, Is Not Good with Kids Whenever possible Eskie Rescuers United tries to adopt out its dogs locally (or at least to adopters in adjoining states to where I'm being fostered). Please note that ERU processes LOCAL adoption applications before considering those from out of state. Eskie Rescuers United American Eskimo Dog Rescue, Inc. is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Please click the donation button below to make a tax-deductible donation through PayPal and help make a difference to even one American Eskimo dog!
Other Pictures of Happy Pappy (click to see larger version):