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Kashi's Web Page

American Eskimo Dog / Mixed (long coat)  : :  Male (neutered)  : :  Adult  : :  Medium

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Contact Kashi's Caretaker/Foster Directly: Melinda (

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About Kashi

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Rescue ID: 08-079
  • General Color: Golden/Chestnut
  • Current Size: 35 Pounds
  • Potential Size: 35 Pounds
  • Current Age: 19 Years 8 Months (best estimate)
  • Housetrained: Yes
  • Reaction to New People: Friendly
I am located in Kensington, MD

UPDATE: I'm Kashi, strong and hearty. If you read my story, you'll know I've had a tough time in my past life . . .but you won't know it when you meet me. I’ve put it all behind me and I’m enjoying my new life. After my neuter, I moved in with my new foster family and 2 fur-sisters.

I love all people and am very generous with Eskie Kisses. I get along with my fur-sisters, but I much prefer the companionship of my 2-legged family members. I'm an expert at the Eskie Lean and if you're looking for a Velcro Eskie, then I'm your guy. I’m a real cuddler and think I’m a lap dog. My favorite thing in the world is to roll on my back and have my belly rubbed and rest my head in your lap. If you want, you can rub my belly for hours. I get so happy that my tongue hangs out when I'm basking in my belly rubs. My foster dad says I’m the best dog ever when getting a bath. No splashing. I have a fabulous thick coat and I'm very good with my combing. See how gorgeous I am.

I get along with other dogs, but I think I would prefer to be an "only child", or to be with an older dog that doesn’t really want to run around and be crazy with me. I don’t really understand what my sisters are doing when they are zooming around together. When I try to join in, I just bark at them and they stop running around and look at me funny. I don’t know why.

I do like to play with squeaky toys and balls and will gently give them back if you ask. I am pretty frisky with my people, but I do play a little rough and would do best in a family without small children. I'm learning to play gentle, but I am a big guy with a big personality. I know how to sit, sit pretty, lay-down and roll-over. I probably know a few more things, but I don’t want to impress you too much at once.

What I do want most is a furever family that will love me as much as I love them. Will that be you? I'm ready when you are. For more information, feel free to e-mail the people at

ORIGINAL POST: This is what I think of my previous owners.... yep I am sticking my tongue out at them. See I am one of those dogs you all read about. I was abused and discarded like rubbish. So I can stick my tongue out because now I am free and nobody will abuse me again or they will have to deal with my foster mom. (rumor has it, she can be pretty nasty to bad people) Gee where should I start. I guess I will start with the present and go backwards. My mom is the friend of the cruelty officer in our county. He knows how much she loves eskies. He had gotten a call about a dog who had been dumped in a park. Of course he got the call 5 days after I was dumped. I was dumped during the hottest days here in PA. every day was in the mid 90's. No food or water just kicked out of the car like a piece of trash. People went looking for me but nobody spotted me. Everyone feared for the worst. Finally I made myself seen, but I was not about to let anyone catch me.

The daughter who called the officer said she felt Kashi would come to her. She went over to the park and Kashi went right up to her and she delivered Kashi to my home. Kashi is safe in my house. He knows lots of tricks. He is a great dog, just very love starved. While trying to figure out why the mother & boyfriend dumped the dog I learned a lot about the history of this dog. What I will tell you makes my stomach churn. It is hard for me to believe in a modern society that we live in people still get away with treating animals as they do. They see nothing wrong with it.

Actually the best thing that could have happened was for Kashi to be dumped. Now he is free. He will be fed and have fresh water every day. Not something he has had in the past. I was told that the family cat would go to the bathroom in Kashi's food dishes and nobody would clean them out. He was not fed on a regular basis. The family had a friend over one night and that person brought a bag of beef jerky. The bag was left laying around and Kashi ate the jerky. Kashi's punishment for eating beef jerky was he was stabbed with a pocket knife 14 times. The daughter stopped by and kashi was covered in blood and she took him to the vets. Daughter states the blood is still on the walls in the house. Why the vet never called animal control in regards to this incident is beyond me. Had he done his job correctly and reported this to the animal control officer Kashi would have been out of that home 9 months ago.

More about Kashi

Good with Dogs, Good with Cats

Whenever possible Eskie Rescuers United tries to adopt out its dogs locally (or at least to adopters in adjoining states to where I'm being fostered). Please note that ERU processes LOCAL adoption applications before considering those from out of state.

If I'm not local to you, as explained above, and you really have your heart set on me, you will have to make special arrangements so ERU can get me to you safely (for example, flying me to you at your own expense, or paying a transport group to drive me to you). Note: We may ask that you to make a donation to cover transport costs if the distance is great and we have trouble finding transport drivers.

There is an adoption fee required; and, please be aware, Eskie Rescuers United will not adopt out its dogs as outdoor dogs.

Eskie Rescuers United American Eskimo Dog Rescue, Inc. is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Please click the donation button below to make a tax-deductible donation through PayPal and help make a difference to even one American Eskimo dog!

Other Pictures of Kashi (click to see larger version):

Kashi Kashi Kashi