American Eskimo Dog : : Male (neutered) : : Young
Learn more about the American Eskimo Dog.
Contact Harley of PA's Caretaker/Foster Directly: Gina (Justus4250@aol.com) ![]()
********************* Located in Martinsburg, PA ******************* Harley is a fantastic dog in our home. He never potties in the house. He never destroys anything & is very quiet. However he needs a quite home without many visitors. He becomes very stressed when visitors come to the house. If you can provide that type of home you will be getting a true gem. Stress is the trigger for the seizures. He has not had a seizure since Sept 2010. However if put into stressful situation Harley will most likely experience a seizure. Harely would do best as an only dog.
I have been working with Harley to get him used to going on walks to lower his stress level in that area. He is good going in the car for short distances. I havel gradually increase the distance of the trip. He is now able to ride about 20 minutes before getting sick. He likes to go for walks in areas he knows. He seems better walking in open fields rather than in a town situation. We are taking baby steps and that is what needs to continue.
Update: August 23, 2010
After all testing on all four dogs the bloodwork on all of them has come back normal. Only one of the dogs needs meds for the seizures. They do not have seizures very often. They usually occur after something stressful has happened to the dogs. Like going to the vets office, or sometimes something as simple as going for a walk will trigger the seizure. These were feral dogs. They will always be different than other dogs. So anyone who would adopt Harley needs to learn to keep him from stressful situations if at all possible.
UPDATED: 8/16/10 Harley was returned to rescue on 8/16/10 because he had a few seizures. He previous adopters felt they could not afford to have Harley tested and treated, so they return him to us. Harley will be undergoing some testing at the vets to see if we can determine a cause for the seizures. He will not be available for adoption till we can determine the best course of treatment for him. Until then he is available for sponsorship. Wont you consider sponsoring Harley. He has had a very difficult life. Just when we thought he had the perfect home. He lost it. Of the 13 dogs pulled from that barn four have come down with seizures. There is testing being done currently on Harley and Mitzi. Gus and Sadie have already had lots of test done and all blood work came back normal. To read all about Harley's prison stay you can find that here. http://www.hopedogs.org/harley.htm April 2008 Please be aware these dogs have no names. I gave them all a different color collar so I could tell them apart. So their names on the website will be their collar colors. There were a few that had names we did keep them the same. I do am pretty sure none of these guys are housebroken. They are all used to other dogs, not sure about cats. I do not know there weight, but none are over 25 lbs and most are under 20lbs.
Whenever possible Eskie Rescuers United tries to adopt out its dogs locally (or at least to adopters in adjoining states to where I'm being fostered). Please note that ERU processes LOCAL adoption applications before considering those from out of state. Eskie Rescuers United American Eskimo Dog Rescue, Inc. is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Please click the donation button below to make a tax-deductible donation through PayPal and help make a difference to even one American Eskimo dog!
Videos of Harley of PA:
![]() ![]() Other Pictures of Harley of PA (click to see larger version):