American Eskimo Dog / Pomeranian : : Female (spayed) : : Young : : Small
Learn more about the American Eskimo Dog. Learn more about the Pomeranian.
Hi, Hi, Hi! My name is Sahalie, or Haley for short. Sahalie (Sa-HALE-ee) is a Chinook word for heaven, or sky, or high above and my foster mom named me that because I flew on a private plane from Kansas, part of the time on my pilot's lap! It was easy as I love everyone I meet and the hummmmmm of the engines just lulled me to sleep. I am full of energy and love to do zoomies in the yard. My foster mom has a good-sized yard and I can make it end to end in seconds! I REALLY like playing with one of my foster brothers; he is so much fun, and toys?... Oh, I love my toys so much and I can rip the softer ones with the best of 'em. Well, I am still a puppy (at heart) after all! But when it comes to cuddling, I'm considered one of the best. I am crate trained but I really don't like to be in it except to eat my cookies (away from my big boy 4-legged friends) and at night. I am very curious and want to see everything. If you leave something on a table low enough for me, I'll even explore that...sometimes thinking it's a toy for ME!! Although I love everyone I meet, very young children would not be good for me as they may be too rough. And I definately want a fenced yard to do my zoomies and stretch my legs. I really want someone to be home with me a lot because I need the supervision and company to be a happy little doggie. If your home fits these requirements, then I will love you forever and smother you with tiny little kisses. _________________________________________________________ Notes from her foster: Sahalie smiles!! She curls back her upper lip to show teeth but she's actually smiling while jumping up on her back legs and wagging her tail. This occurs when you come home or if she's just super happy. Sahalie does not do well in the crate for longer than a few hours. She will tear her bed apart. Also she's not totally housetrained and may tinkle when excited. I let her out in the a.m. and she knows I will not pet or talk to her until she pees. Her housebreaking skills are progressing nicely with the aid of bells on the door. She does tear apart the softer toys, just like a puppy. But, to me, that's part of being a young dog. Sahalie definately needs some obedience to build her confidence. I think she may have been spanked too much in her former home. I would like a commitment that she would be taken to obedience classes within a few weeks of being adopted. Sahalie will make an excellent pet if her new adopter will take the time and have some patience. She is a quick learner but definately has puppy tendancies.
More about Sahalie of OHGood with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids Whenever possible Eskie Rescuers United tries to adopt out its dogs locally (or at least to adopters in adjoining states to where I'm being fostered). Please note that ERU processes LOCAL adoption applications before considering those from out of state. Eskie Rescuers United American Eskimo Dog Rescue, Inc. is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Please click the donation button below to make a tax-deductible donation through PayPal and help make a difference to even one American Eskimo dog!
Other Pictures of Sahalie of OH (click to see larger version):