American Eskimo Dog : : Female (spayed) : : Adult : : Medium
Learn more about the American Eskimo Dog.
Please Note: This animal is listed as a courtesy to another organization. Please be sure to contact the foster/caretaker for more information about her.
*** Location: Falls Church, VA ***: If you're interested in me and would like more information, please contact Adrienne at agordon.fagler@gmail.com or call 404 217-2523. Ginger is 10 years old and weighs 35 lbs. She has lived with our family since she was four months old. She is very loving to family; however, she is extremely protective, and does not like strangers or other dogs unless they are eskies. She loves a yard, and long walks in the woods. She is smart, well-trained and can obey commands, such as, sit, down, stay, and roll over. Unless, she is sick, she will never have accidents in the house, and can hold herself up to 12 hours.We love her dearly, but must find a great home for her due to a position in the foreign service and a new job overseas. We believe she would not survive the flight and a high-rise living arrangement. We will leave for our overseas position in August, so would like to find a home for her asap. Yes, she is a little wacky, and becomes very nervous during storms and in general barks at anything that moves. Although, she will obey her owner and quiet down if asked. She has trust issues and is fear aggressive. Once she trusts a person, she will be friends with them for life. When strangers come in our home, I tell them to ignore Ginger by giving her no eye contact, touch or talk. She is not good around children, and will bark at them too. It is very painful to even think that I have to give up our dog because she is an affectionate dog too, which means she will lay with her owners for hours if massaged. She is up to date with her shots, and has no known health conditions. If one knows of a great home out of state, we would be willing to cover the costs to relocate her. Thanks so much. Thank you and WOOF! Ginger More about Ginger of VAIs Not Good with Kids Other Pictures of Ginger of VA (click to see larger version):