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Daisy May in IL's Web Page

American Eskimo Dog  : :  Female (spayed)  : :  Adult  : :  Medium

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Please Note: This animal is listed as a courtesy to another organization. Please be sure to contact the foster/caretaker for more information about her.

About Daisy May in IL

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Current Age: 20 Years 6 Months (best estimate)
  • Reaction to New People: Friendly

If you are interested in Daisy May, please email

Daisy MayDaisy May is a purebred American Eskimo who was rescued after a life lived tied outside to a stump. She is now ready to make up for lost time and find a family who can give her the love and care she deserves.

UPDATE 3/16/2009
Daisy May got pampered today. She had a nice grooming and now feels "fresh as a daisy" for the first time in a LONG time!

UPDATE 3/30/09 We are getting to know Daisy better and think she would prefer to be an only dog and no cats please. Daisy is very affectionate once she gets to know you and is very loving and loyal. We'd like a family for her that would take her for nice long walks. She would need to be groomed every two-three months by a professional groomer or by someone who knows how to groom.

UPDATE 4/11/09 I discovered that Daisy LOVES car rides. She is a wonderful traveler and is fun to take with. She sits nicely in the passenger seat and looks out the windows. As a bonus she protects the car when I'm not around which deters anyone from trying to break in. (Of course I would NEVER leave her in the car in warm weather.) What a good girl!

Daisy MayUPDATE 5/23/09 Daisy has been getting daily attention from one of our volunteers who takes her for a nice long walk. We are still getting to know Daisy. Having been tied to a tree stump most of her five years it is no wonder Daisy has some baggage we are working on. To add to that daisy is an American Eskimo, with Eskie traits. She is loyal to her caretakers and protective of her area. Daisy is dominant over other dogs but if a dog submits she is okay with them.

If someone loves the sassy, confident and loyal attitude of an American Eskimo Daisy May is your girl!

7/3/09 Daisy moved to a new foster home a few weeks ago with a couple that could give her a lot more attention than we could in the office. Daisy has made great strides in their loving care. She is being socialized regularly with other dogs and is much, much better. She is even doing better with cats. She is meeting all kinds of people and being a real lady.

8/28/09 Daisy has to move to another home before the end of September. her foster family can't keep her any longer. Daisy would do best in an adult only home. She has come a long way and would be a great companion. We are considering a foster to adopt situation for Daisy as well. Please help Daisy. She has been with us a long time and deserves to find that forever family.

The first step to adopting Daisy May is to fill out a Pet Adoption Application. Learn more about our Adoption Process. The adoption donation for Daisy May is $300. For details about our adoption donation, read The Cost of Adoption.

Video of Daisy May in IL:

Other Pictures of Daisy May in IL (click to see larger version):

Daisy May in IL