American Eskimo Dog : : Male (neutered) : : Adult
Learn more about the American Eskimo Dog.
Please Note: This animal is listed as a courtesy to another organization. Please be sure to contact the foster/caretaker for more information about him.
Ice Daddy is located at the Fairy Dogmother Rescue & Rehab, Inc., Vinemont, AL. Ice Daddy (and 7 other eskies) was rescued from a crack house in central Alabama and taken to the Bibb County Animal Shelter, which at the time had a nearly zero adoption rate. In September 2008, Fairy Dogmother received all eight eskies. Ice Daddy is a neutered male eskie/spitz who would make a fantastic family dog. He loves everybody, adores children, and gets along well with other dogs and is very handsome. Even though Ice Daddy has no symptoms, he was found to be heartworm positive. After weighing the two available options and the cost of same and the good health of the dog, Fairy Dogmother made the educated decision to go with the less toxic, inexpensive treatment of heartworm preventative once a month, which every dog should have anyway. Please call 256-338-0371 or email Glenda at gswilhite@hotmail.com for more information on Ice Daddy. More about Ice Daddy in ALGood with Dogs, Good with Kids